OCTOBER 19TH, 1992 - Jimmy Slade's abusive father arrives in Malibu, as does our favorite guest-star: Elizabeth Berkley! She's back to keep poor, over-eager Summer guessing, all while making sure Slade's surfing career keeps moving forward! Matt's got a bitchin' party planned for the weekend (as long as he doesn't crash his dune buggy) -- will you be there? CJ certainly will!

BAYWATCH BASICS #Jimmy Slade (Kelly Slater) #Matt Brody (David Charvet) #Mitch Buchanan (David Hasselhoff) #Garner Ellerbee (Gregory Alan Williams) #Summer Quinn (Nicole Eggert) #CJ Parker (Pamela Anderson) GUEST STARS #MajorSlade (Bill McKinney) #Courtney Bremmer (Elizabeth Berkley) #Tiara English (Tiara English) #Bear Sutter (Zahn McClarnon) Police #Captain (John Wesley) #Principal Frank Richmond (David Spielberg) #Brad (Chris Fiore) Mr. Everett ( Eric Lawson) SHOP TEACHER #Kim Stevenson (Terri Ivens) ((Matt's girl)) #Clint Chandler (Race Nelson) (the Huffing Hunk)

#highschool #rager #GabrielleCarteris #AndreaZuckerman #PresidentialElections #BillClinton #DontAskDontTell #BoyzIIMen #Smurfs #Barney #PattySmyth #Madonna #HowDoYouTalkToAnAngel #theHeights #90210 #StevenSeagal #LastoftheMohicans #Candyman #CaptainRon #BatmanReturns #theMightyDucks #OneLifetoLive #RyanPhillippe #PedroPascal #Undressed #CruelIntentions #theGoldenPalace #TGIF #Dinosaurs #CampWilder #theNextKarateKid #NativeAmerican #hawkscream #leathervest #bonechoker #lymedisease #dunebuggies #Garnerfaceplant #speedo #showers #workplaceviolence #HRviolation #firstdayofschool #flipphone #Predator #JessieSpano #horsebackriding #surfing #ANightattheRoxbury #GermanDVDs #MalibuBeachHigh #HuffingHunk #dolphins #Dynasty #chalk #BaysideTigers #orientation #toodamntan #sponsor #activism #metalshop #sacredChumashland #realestate #MarlboroMan #policestation #division6 #officelife #Corvette #stingray #LEATHERNECK #USMC #Marines #Deliverance #vanlife #ACSlater #wetsuit #surfboard #childabuse #historylesson #magic #CREATUREOFPOWER #tigerblood #sharehallucination #huffing #MaximumImpact #compressedair #3Ninjas #buzzkill #French #sloppyseconds #volleyball #poolrescue #SavedByTheBell #ZackMorrisIsTrash