DECEMBER 8th, 1989 - A dangerous storm approaches the California coast and Baywatch headquarters has become sanctuary to the lifeguards, their homeless friend, & a pair of escaped criminals! Will Garner survive his gunshot wound, now full of sea water, to save the day? Can Jill avoid the advances of a pip squeak with a pistol? When will Mitch's roof be repaired? How will guest star Jenny Lewis react to being trapped alone with Hobie 1? And who the Hell wears shorts in the shower?!

BAYWATCH BASICS #Mitch Buchannon (David Hasselhoff) #Hobie1 Buchannon (Brandon Call) #Garner Ellerbee (Gregory Alan Williams) #LawyerLifeguardCraig Pomeroy (Parker Stevenson) #Eddie Kramer (Billy Warlock) #Shauni McClain (Ericka Eleniak) #Jill Riley (Shawn Weatherly) #Sid Wilson (Michael McManus) #CaptainDon Thorpe (Monte Markham) #Trevor Cole (Peter Phelps) GUEST STARS #Gina2 Pomeroy (Holly Gagnier) News announcer (Larry Carroll) #Alex (Jenny Lewis!!!) #Frank (Neil Giuntoli) #Dick (Sherman Howard)

#GermanDVD #ColdWar #TaylorSwift #SheDevil #Roseanne #MerylStreep #theWizard #NationalLampoonChristmasVacation #BacktotheFuture2 #SteelMagnolias #theLittleMermaid #NBC #Nielsonratings #FullHouse #JustttheTenofUs #StepByStep #Lifeguard #SamElliott #unibrow #storm #divorce #ugliestkitcheninAmerica #MyTwoDads #maritalstrife #marble #baddesign #privelage #badlawyer #Zool #homelessoutreach #shittymustache #pier #gunfire #ChildsPlay #DayoftheDead #contractors #hurricaneparty #radio #KBLA #KDAY #Donahue #glassblock #tendrils #JENNYLEWIS #RiloKiley #SaluteYourShorts #BoyMeetsWorld #hostages #Mitchcaptive
Go for the flavor! (140) A&W Cream Soda Star Trek Commercial 1989 (New Copy) - YouTube